Chrome Candle Holder;       


ca. 2022

Chrome Candle Holder is the first in a series of pieces that integrate the use of upcycled electroplating rods. These rods, regularly used for submerging metal items into chrome baths, pile up residue through the years which result in heavy conglomerates of copper, nickel and chrome. Byproducts of an industrial process but which remit to organic forms. This paradoxical entity which’s finish stands as the “stereotype of the artificial”(Enzo Manzini), also directly references the natural, with coral like formations. The specificity of the material’s unique pattern formations reining over the objects final appearance. Chrome Candle Holder reveals itself as foreign, almost alien like. The piece seems to have been recovered from the bottom of the ocean on a lost planet. It is generative in the sense that it accidentally opens a narrative. An object that generates fissure from which fantasy spills into reality. Informing an imaginative play and creating a scenography from a parallel fiction..